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Team development

Team Journeys

This could be:

  • a transformation your organization goes through right now or
  • you are a start – up company with fast growing teams, or
  • your organization has decided to become more agile and works now in cross-functional teams, etc. etc.

Whatever challenge(s) you have right now, get in touch and we can look together at

your organizational situation and provide a tailor-made solution and journey.

High Performing Teams

We all wish that our organization comprises of high performing teams.

However, this is often not the case.

The reasons behind are so many and so different, as many organizations and teams exist on earth.

However there are often patterns, which help us to quickly uncover the core of a certain situation.

Some of the factors, which help teams to perform better are:

  • Trust
  • Psychological Safety
  • Transparency
  • Clear Goals
  • Roles and Structure
  • Clear Purpose and Mission
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Emotional Agility and many more

Where your team(s) stand right now and how can you support them in order to become high performing,

is something we have great experience with and would love to look at together with you.

Team Conflict Resolution

Conflict is pretty much inevitable when you work with others.

People have different perception and viewpoints of an issue or / and situation.

These differences, charged with a certain emotion, often escalate to a conflict.

Thomas Kenneth and Ralph Kilmann developed five conflict resolution strategies that people use to handle a conflict:

  • avoiding
  • defeating
  • compromising
  • accommodating and
  • collaborating.

How the team handles the conflict is crucial whether it works to the team´s advantage

or contributes to its demise. In any case a conflict needs to be dealt with.

If your team needs a conflict resolution, get in touch with us.

Team Dynamics & Effectiveness

(virtual, cross-functional, cross-cultural, diversity, M&As, etc.):

Team dynamics are the psychological forces, influencing the direction of your

team´s performance, behavior and cohesion.

Different personalities and their interactions with each other, create different dynamics.

What makes a team effective?

If we conceptualize the definition as one that yields highest, measurable output,

then an effective team is “one that yields high performance, high team member satisfaction,

and team viability” (Hackman, 1987).

The better the team understands and handles their dynamic(s), the more successful and efficient / effective a team is.

Virtual Teams and Leadership

Especially now with the current pandemic situation virtual teams and virtual leadership

are becoming more present and important than ever.

This topic is huge and has lots of perspectives and settings to be taken into consideration, including, but not limited to:

  • industry
  • type of organization (start-up, small- and middle size enterprise or a large multinational organization)
  • organizational culture
  • cross-cultural setting, etc.

Please get in touch with us for a first conversation and better understanding of your organizational situation.

However, here is one free resource, which I have created during the start of the global pandemic, an.

Emergency Kit for virtual leadership

Team Supervision

Reflexion, Self-Awareness, as well as Awareness of Others, are crucial in order to better understand ourselves, one – another and our environment.

Team – or Group Supervision is a process that allows us to reflect, to learn and

to better understand different perceptions and perspectives on the same situation.

It is a group dynamics process that provides an outside (“meta”) perspective and allows exchange of ideas,

hypotheses and attitudes in a certain environment. “Meta” is a prefix that means “always changing” or “transforming”

and in reality, “depending on it´s context”.

The outcome of the process depends on the team dynamics and willingness to learn (out of a situation) and to develop.